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Перевод | Примеры |
Чего нельзЯ вылечить, то нУжно вЫтерпеть // Следует мирИться с тем, чего нельзЯ исправить. |
Gradually, Scarlet drew courage from the brave faces of her
friends and from the merciful adjustment which nature makes when
what cannot bе cured must bе endured. (Mitchell)
I can't allow you to make that retort, which is too obvious to Ье worthy of you. Never mind our respective looks; tЬеу ean't Ье cured and ml8t Ье endured. Уou look like the sort of man who wouldn't object to supper anyhow : so come along and have some. (Norris) Не could not yet accept democratic tendencies in the colonies could oot as anything but а disease which had to bе endured if it bе cured. (Prichard) The only sensible and practical advice I can give you is to let а little water flow under the bridge and see if it runs clear or muddy. What cannot bе helped mast Ье endured. Judge Truebody was given to such familiar old sayings. Не had learnt early in life that they gave his listener as much comfort and reassurance as did his nаmе. ( Coleman) |